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The trend of "Internet +" strategy in the market of renewable resources industry is great

      In the light of the policy spring breeze, the market of renewable resources industry has recovered, and gradually attracted the attention of capital and transboundary people. For the whole industry, its business model faces a new round of transformation and upgrading, while "Internet +" will become the basic mode of industry innovation drive.

  At present, the environmental pollution situation is serious and the natural resources are increasingly exhausted. As an integral part of the circular economy, the development of the renewable resources industry is self-evident. At present, China has put the resource recycling industry into strategic emerging industries.。
  In 2016, there are four major changes in the development of the renewable resources industry under the guidance of a series of macro policies. The first is the market for renewable resources, ending five years of cold winter and beginning to show signs of recovery, and the recovery and recovery values have achieved double growth. Secondly, the integration of the two networks brings new opportunities to the transformation of the industry. Third, the renewable resources and the capital market have a new climax. Fourth, the industry has formed several new models. With the continuous development of circular economy, China's renewable resources industry has entered the "fast lane".

  Market gradually open, renewable resources industry has developed from the source through a fixed collection spot, flow collection spot, scavengers, resource processing enterprises such as the screening, classification, taking advantage of the full process of the enterprise finally arrived. Its industrial chain mainly includes: waste resource recovery, resource processing and resource reuse.

  In may this year, 14 ministries and commissions such as the national development and reform commission jointly issued by the "cycle development lead action" clearly put forward, by 2020, China's overall resources recycling industry output value to achieve the purpose of the 3 trillion or so. In the light of the policy spring breeze, the renewable resources industry is revitalizing and the future development is more clear.
  As a whole, the future of the renewable resources industry is clear, but the multiple problems remain prominent: on the one hand, the threshold of industry entry is low, the quality of employees is limited, and the competitiveness of enterprises is insufficient. The characteristics of renewable resources are small, scattered, poor, homogenous competition is serious, and more dependent on policy, less risk tolerance. On the other hand, the development of renewable resources industry is unbalanced.
  How to change the pain points in the renewable resources industry? The personage inside course of study says, and focus on the industry of the cross-border capital facing new changes in the business model, require a new round of transformation and upgrading, "Internet +" will become the industry innovation driven basic pattern. For example: "Internet + recycling", "Internet + garbage classification", "Internet + e-commerce", "Internet + supply chain finance" and other new innovative modes.
  "Internet + recycling" model, although there are still many deficiencies, but it is expected to be the development direction of the recycling industry. In addition, "sanitation recycling integration" mode, renewable resources enterprises undertake garbage classification, resource recycling, sanitation cleaning, resource processing and utilization, and form an integrated urban environment service system.

  The new model of "Internet + renewable resources" will be the development trend of the industry and the only way to go, said jiang provincial, President of the China renewable resources association. Renewable resources industry development to today, he said, is no longer a simple old recycling industry, but become the important content of green, low carbon, circulation development, need to look at industrial layout and the development direction of the development of the green.
  Faced with the market temptation of trillion yuan, many enterprises have already borrowed the "Internet plus" strategy, promoted the utilization efficiency of renewable resources, and promoted the remolding of the recycling and utilization industry pattern of renewable resources. Therefore, with the deepening of Internet + concept, new opportunities and challenges will emerge in the future of renewable resources industry.